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Python / GraphQL

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Who is going to PyCon DE?

Released the new version of the @strawberry_gql playground!

It still uses Pyodide to run the Python code, but it also uses FastAPI, so now we can also test status codes and headers!

Try it here ⬇︎

@carlton would it be possible to get a new release of Asgiref out? looks like the version of main fixes some issues people are having with async Django and Strawberry 😊

I think that's the same issue I was having a while ago (where the server would just hang)

Patrick boosted

Quick reminder that I've decided to retire from being a Django Fellow at the end of March 2024 and (excitingly) I'm open to new positions from April, 1st. After years of building Django itself 🛠, I'm now looking forward to building things in Python/Django again 📥 Contact me if you need a / veteran experienced in various , and an enthusiast 🤝

@webology @paulox my dream is that browsers will have a way to cache wasm interpreters (so you'd download python 3.12.x just once globally), but I think it will take time to get there

for the cost of pyodide, I think my next try will be with pure cpython (there's a wasm version), but it will still be relatively heavy. There's also micropython that can go on wasm (pyright has a version with it), but it does miss features (so django might not even run)

@thibaudcolas I still want to make a playground that works well and works for django, fastapi and other frameworks

Patrick boosted

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Patrick boosted

Hey hey y'all! ✨

We are thrilled to announce that EuroPython will be back in Prague between July 8th and 14th 2024! 🇨🇿

After such a fantastic event last year, we decided to come back!

Check out 🐍

(more details coming soon)

where do people look for new jobs these days? 👀

Patrick boosted

Want to see more of what you love at PyCon Italia? Now's your chance!

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@dan haven't used it yet, but hear this one should be good:

Patrick boosted

PEP 723 opens up an interesting opportunity for Nox.

I don't know about the rest of you, but when I run Nox it's via `pipx run nox`. That's very convenient, but it does mean my `` has no dependencies. But w/ PEP 723, I can have my tool -- which will probably be pipx once it gets PEP 723 support -- pull down Nox **and** any other packages I wanted to use in my `` file. To me that suggests PEP 723 could open up the possibility of Nox utilities becoming a thing. 🙂

Patrick boosted

The one thing left is the Fedi.

I’m happy to have it scrolling past as the days goes on, but I wake up with a couple of hundred new posts that, once thinking about it, I really don’t want to wade through.

For this, I’ve been using @adamghill’s which you can set for (say) 12 hours, and it’ll give the important posts.

I’m now happily sponsoring @adamghill for It’s great. Again recommended. 🥰

Edited 126d ago
Patrick boosted

You know, in case there’s a need to catch up on your Django Chat memes… @wsvincent, @carlton, @djangochat listeners, did I miss anything? 😜

Edited 149d ago

@carlton I'm not sure who the right person would, but it would be nice to have someone talk about where would/could Django go in future, given an infinite amount of resources :D

@jlengstorf looks great! the last one is a tiny bit out of focus to me 😊 the bokeh on the window looks 🔥

Patrick boosted

@SudoVanilla hope so! let me know if there's any missing feature 😊

Just released an @astro extension that makes it easy to debug your Astro's website meta tags, below's an example of it in action.

I might add more features in future, but for now it has been quite useful already 😊

Find it here 👉

Patrick boosted

Happy New Year from the PyCon Italia team!🎉🐍
As we step into 2024, we’re grateful for our amazing Python community and excited for what’s ahead.
Here’s a throwback to last year’s conference – can’t wait to create more memories like these! Cheers to a year full of coding, collaboration, and Python magic!
The Python Italia Team 🇮🇹🍕🐍

Patrick boosted

GitLab working on ActivityPub 👋

@sethmlarson I wanna see the finished desk! 👀

Patrick boosted

New post: “CSS Scope Issues”.

A week ago, a “CSS @scope” article by @mia was published at “12 Days of Web” (curated by @5t3ph).

This article did clarify a few things for me, but also made me think of one potential usage of the `:scope` pseudo-class: “storing” the scoping root’s selector as a reusable entity, covering the use case which is available in some preprocessors.

However, when exploring this use case, I stumbled upon a few issues: this post is about them.

Patrick boosted

:has, text-indent: hanging, text-wrap: balance, iframe lazy loading, … Emoji firefox 121 is released today with lots of presents for web developers 🥳

Edited 149d ago