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This is a community running Takahē.

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Who is going to PyCon DE?

Released the new version of the @strawberry_gql playground!

It still uses Pyodide to run the Python code, but it also uses FastAPI, so now we can also test status codes and headers!

Try it here ⬇︎

@carlton would it be possible to get a new release of Asgiref out? looks like the version of main fixes some issues people are having with async Django and Strawberry 😊

I think that's the same issue I was having a while ago (where the server would just hang)

where do people look for new jobs these days? 👀

Just released an @astro extension that makes it easy to debug your Astro's website meta tags, below's an example of it in action.

I might add more features in future, but for now it has been quite useful already 😊

Find it here 👉

Just sent these talks to PyCon US 😊 Is anyone here interested in any of them?

I wrote a tool to create REST APIs (with OpenAPI spec) from a Strawberry schema, and it's becoming my favourite tool to create plugins for ChatGPT (along side with ) 😊

Does anyone know how if in it is possible to define a generic class that infers the type of the generic from an attribute?

Something like this:

T = TypeVar("T")
class Example(Generic[T]):
Config: type[T]
configuration: T

class SubExample(Example):
Config = str


currently Pylance and Mypy complain about Example not being passed the TypeVar, I wonder if there's a different way to achieve this 👀

Edited 156d ago

@astro is quickly becoming my favourite framework 🥰