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This is a community running Takahē.

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Does anyone have a recommendation for a printer? 👀

injustice need to print black and white documents

@jovi hey, do you know if there's any timeline for the next version of GraphQL.JS? :D

I can't be believe there's still no good calendar apps that allows to duplicate events between private and work calendars and is also able to correctly identify duplicated events.

Notion calendar is the best one, but sometimes it breaks :(

@kevinpowell do you know if there's a way to remove these gaps when printing a table in css?

I made a bin here, when printing and saving as PDF there's some gaps (see the attached image)

I created a small browser extension that displays the Open Graph Tags (and image) for the current tab.

Should I make it available in the Chrome Extension Store? 😊

Are you at @europython? Do you like running? Come grab a PyRun sticker! (@python_running)

Feel free to DM me if you can't find me 😊

Who is going to PyCon DE?

Released the new version of the @strawberry_gql playground!

It still uses Pyodide to run the Python code, but it also uses FastAPI, so now we can also test status codes and headers!

Try it here ⬇︎

@carlton would it be possible to get a new release of Asgiref out? looks like the version of main fixes some issues people are having with async Django and Strawberry 😊

I think that's the same issue I was having a while ago (where the server would just hang)

where do people look for new jobs these days? 👀