@markwalker @webology @paulox @thibaudcolas Personally, I think it depends on who your end user is. Wordpress allows non-technical users to start a blog and add any functionality they might need. All of the Django CMSes require tech folks to be involved AFAIK. Just different sets of trade offs IMO.
@adamghill @webology @paulox @thibaudcolas yeah that's basically my point of view. You can't get a Django project going without a developer to build it and deploy it. So those same people are needed to add to it.
I think there's a good chance the people coming through and asking these questions are non-technical and it's those people who would perhaps have experience with WordPress
@markwalker @adamghill @webology @paulox killer for me would be a way to try out a package in the browser like https://wordpress.github.io/wordpress-playground/. I don’t mind installing a package if it’s good, but the first time I want to go from README to a demo site in one click and 10s rather than 10 CLI commands 2-3 minutes
@thibaudcolas @markwalker @adamghill @webology @paulox like this https://absurd-django.vercel.app/ Thibaud?
Haha, you should talk with @patrick and @wilhelmklopp 😄
@sabderemane @markwalker @adamghill @webology @paulox @patrick @wilhelmklopp Yes :) I built a similar one for Django Templates: https://django-templates-live.vercel.app/
It’s not that much work to do a PoC, lots of work (I imagine) to do a polished one
@thibaudcolas I still want to make a playground that works well and works for django, fastapi and other frameworks