@jovi hey, do you know if there's any timeline for the next version of GraphQL.JS? :D
@patrick There's no explicit timeline, the current blocker is solidifying incremental delivery. Is there anything specific you are looking for here?
@jovi someone asked for @defer support in Strawberry, we use GraphQL-core which follows GraphQL.js releases, so I wanted to give them an update :D
@jovi someone asked us to add support for defer to Strawberry, which uses GraphQL-core, which is a port of GraphQL.js, so once defer is there it will be in GraphQL-core too. So I wanted to give them some sort of timings :D
@patrick Gotcha, I'll try to follow up with some of the GraphQL JS WG to see what we can do. V17 is shaping up nicely imho, we also added experimental support for fragment arguments.