@adamghill @paulox @thibaudcolas For scaffolding, several third-party tools already handle this (django-extensions for admin, neapolitan for CBV CRUD and shameless plug here - falco for FBV's CRUD). I also see the django admin as a quick way to get basic CRUD views from a model. Among the ideas I've come across, implementing this in Django seems the most straightforward imo. But something like Laravel's Breeze seems a little too overwhelming for Beignner IMO.
@tobide "Laravel's Breeze seems a little too overwhelming for Beignner IMO” Isn't the point of Breeze to _help_ beginners? It seems like it might be helpful for newcomers, similar to "create-react-app" and other starter kits.
It'd be useful to interview/survey all the people who looked at Django and decided to use something else to find out why. Or tried to setup Django, but failed/had a bad experience. But, that doesn't seem possible, so I'm looking at other frameworks for ideas.
@adamghill I gave a proper look at Breeze; it's less heavy than what I thought at first glance, so I guess it's fine. The closest we have, that I know of, is probably Cookiecutter-Django.
@tobide there are few starter projects out there including https://github.com/wsvincent/djangox. But, nothing is “official”.