@glyph @coderanger I don’t think y’all quite grok what uv makes so special due to your seniority. The speed is really cool, but the reason Rust is elemental is that it’s one compiled blob that can be used to bootstrap and maintain a Python development environment. A blob that will never break because someone upgraded Homebrew, ran pip install or any other creative way people found to fuck up their installations. Python has shown to be a terrible tech to maintain Python.
@tintvrtkovic @hynek @glyph @coderanger Agreed, this is the killer advantage of *any* compiled language over one with a runtime. And to make it worse, Python is far from being the best runtime based language for app deployment :-(
@pfmoore @tintvrtkovic @glyph @coderanger The fact that now I can give anyone a Python project and uv and tell them to “just run `uv run X` in the project folder” and it will take about everything including installing Python is nothing short of magic. There’s a short line to running Zip files.
@pfmoore @tintvrtkovic @hynek @coderanger interesting that "compiled" and "with a runtime" are the opposite ends of the spectrum here :). (I get what you're saying, but it is _possible_ to do this with Python, and a real shame that "rewrite in a different language" is actually an easier path than just using existing tooling)
@hynek @tintvrtkovic @glyph @coderanger Agreed. But to be fair, that's the way hatch and pdm are going as well. And a lot of uv's speed comes from language-agnostic tricks like aggressive caching. All of this could have been done in existing projects. It's funding and full time employees that has made the huge difference.