@glyph @coderanger I don’t think y’all quite grok what uv makes so special due to your seniority. The speed is really cool, but the reason Rust is elemental is that it’s one compiled blob that can be used to bootstrap and maintain a Python development environment. A blob that will never break because someone upgraded Homebrew, ran pip install or any other creative way people found to fuck up their installations. Python has shown to be a terrible tech to maintain Python.
Edited 187d ago
@hynek @glyph @coderanger I signed up for Mastodon just to post this 😅
I spent a significant amount of time making it so that Hatch also provides a similar experience such that it's the only tool you need to download manually. Installation takes 1-3 seconds and I don't think I can make it any faster, technically.
Example run locally and on GitHub Actions from here https://github.com/tox-dev/platformdirs/actions/runs/10758318125/job/29833485691: