@glyph @jacob @sgillies Oh - absolutely this. As enthusiastic as I am about the direction uv is going, I *haven't* adopted them anywhere - because I want very much to understand Astral’s intended business model before I hook my wagon to their tools. It's definitely not clear to me how they're going to stay liquid once the VC money runs out. They could get me onboard in a hot second if they published a "This is what we're planning to charge for" blog post.
@freakboy3742 @glyph @jacob @sgillies Charlie did explain their strategy in this interview: https://www.bitecode.dev/p/charlie-marsh-on-astral-uv-and-the
Basically, they are going in a similar market than Continuum: selling provisioning and packaging tools B2B.
Given how much I've seen it cost in corporations, and the friction it introduced, they can pull it off.
But even if they can't, their track record demonstrated enough skill and vision to make a pivot.
Edited 187d ago