@SnoopJ @freakboy3742 @jacob Regarding revenue streams and business plans - I can't speak for the VCs or who they are funding, but these are small investments compared to their overall portfolios. Many have orgs building tools that benefit from it. I heard from several people (no one under the UV umbrella) that they had no pressure to work on the business or revenue side. Their work was advancing other businesses they owned which paid for itself.
@SnoopJ @freakboy3742 @jacob I'm not saying the funding was out of the goodness of anyone's hearts, but they can also write off the debt which is a form of tax savings.
@webology @freakboy3742 @jacob that's an interesting point, I can see how that arrangement would be preferable to a B2B contract because of said write-offs.
I don't think it's an existential threat to the project or anything, but it's something that I think about, especially in light of the tools being written in not-Python.